We decided to put Lily to work last time it snowed. She had a great time helping Mommy shovel the walks (and the lawn). We are glad our snow has melted now, and I can't wait to see my tulips!
These girls are growing up so fast. Lily loves to color and cut with her scissors. Luckily, she is a very responsible cutter and so far hasn't cut anything she isn't supposed to. She can even write her name, kind of.
Kate is growing up way too fast. She is crawling all over, and is just starting to pull herself to her feet. She doesn't let her sister get away with anything and tells everybody if Lily does something she doesn't like.
We had a death in the family this week. Chris's 1996 Buick Skylark finally bit the dust on its way to work last Friday, March 6th. He's had that car since, um, a really long time ago, and put some good love into it. He tried valiantly for 2 days to resurrect it, and gave up after the mechanic told him it didn't look good. So here's you to, Big Red. It will soon be making the trek from our driveway to... wherever it is donated kidney cars go.
And this is the newest member of the Parkinson household, a 2006 Toyota Sienna. Chris now gets to drive the green CR-V, and this is Mommy's car. Not car, van, Lily would say. We love it already, although its bigger than anything we're used to driving. So now, if you and three friends come to visit, we may just all be able to fit in one car. This is an 8-passenger van, folks. But it doesn't have a power sliding door. Them's the breaks. I told Chris if my great great grand parents could walk across the plains, I can open my own darn door.