We made it home today. Kian did so much better after this surgery than any of the previous ones. His color was better, his pain was better, his breathing was better. We are so relieved to be done with this, and hope we don't have any more long-term hospitalizations for a long, long, long time. His shunt (or part of it?) will have to be replaced sooner rather than later, because they couldn't fit the full sized one in this time, so we know we have that to look forward to, but hopefully other than that we will just stay home.
I'm going to use this post as one big thank you note. To everyone who helped us in the past 4 months, thank you. You know who you are, even if we don't. If you watched our kids, brought us dinner, mowed our lawn, sent us a gift card for gas, brought by baby gifts, prayed or fasted for us, thank you. And if you did anything else. Thank you thank you thank you. I can't imagine having to go through something like this without the support of family, friends, neighbors, and ward members. We are so blessed to have you in our lives. Seriously. Thank you.
Pictures to come soon, I promise.