Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is It Spring Yet?

I realize that all kids fall asleep in their high chairs while eating, I just don't remember it happening at 6 months before.

We had a nice day outside, and the girls got to play in the rocks next to our driveway. It's their favorite outdoor activity.

While Kian still hasn't figured out how to drink from a sippy cup, he sure does love to play with them.

Look! He sits! But only if you snap the picture before he falls over. He can maybe sit by himself for 5 seconds, tops.

Lily was my photographer for these last two pics!

Spring is on the way! The RSV count is declining; my daffodils are going to bloom any second; we can register Lily for kindergarten tomorrow; the sun is shining today. Ain't life grand?

Monday, March 21, 2011

9 month stats

Kian had his 9 month check-up last week, and these are the official stats, according to his pediatrician. These are plotted on the graph for a 6-month old, since that is his adjusted age.

Weight 14-2 (15%)
Height 26" (45%)
head 42.3 cm (25%)

I tried to post a video from our digital camera, but I guess it was too large. I'll have to try something else.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So Kian is officially 9 months old/6 months adjusted. But first, some catch-up pictures. This is our chair in our family room. How many people can your chair hold?

Kian on Sweet Potatoes. Or Sweet Potatoes on Kian.

This was after his MRI. He was a pretty good sport.

Umm. Kate fell asleep at the computer. Again. Does this mean I am a bad mom?

Kian and Chris after watching the big BYU vs San Diego State game. Chris dressed Kian in BYU blue.

And these are our makeshift, spur-of-the-moment pictures of Kian on his 9 month birthday. Hey, every chance we get to celebrate this little guy is a good enough reason for us to make a fuss.