No birthday cake for this guy. He still getting used to the texture of solid foods. As in doesn't like them much. That candle is stuck in a carton of Gerber Hawaiian Delight smoothie. He loved it.
I'll bet you can guess who in the family liked Kian's toy the most. It wasn't Kian. It was his sisters.
Well, we made it through Kian's first year. And we are relieved. Kian is doing so much better than Chris and I imagined he might, and we are so grateful for that. He also happens to be a very happy and easy baby, for which we are also grateful. A couple of days before his birthday, I gave him a haircut, and that helped him look a little more grown up.
Today we took him for his one year check-up, and these are the stats:
weight 15 lbs 4 oz (<5th percentile)
height 27.5 inches (25th percentile)
head 44 cm (10th percentile)