Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Kian has started taking steps, although at this point its more like his feet are trying to keep up with his leaning top half.  But at least he is bending his knees and starting to balance.  To help with that, he just got some injections (like botox, but called Dysport) in his calves today to try to help loosen his ankles and keep his body in alignment.

What we've been up to

So we've just been hanging out, getting used to having Lily in school, and running here and there for appointments.

This is what toddler multi-tasking looks like.

Well, hello, big boy.  I couldn't stand his high-chair anymore, so he's in a booster now.

 All dressed for church.

 Therapy with Michael at the park.

 Kian and his cousin David.

 Kian got new braces for night-time stretching.

We call them his Iron-Man boots.