Sunday, June 5, 2016

April and May

Lily has discovered a love of ice skating.   She can't get enough.

Kate still needs a little help.  This is her Uncle Chris.

The annual planting of the garden.

General Conference activity.

Girls day out.  We got our ears pierced, had lunch and went shopping.

Lily had another birthday.

We took apart some more electronics.

The backyard is a great place to hang out.

Cousin Olivia was baptized.

Quality time at Grandpa's house.

Kate had another birthday.

She chose creme brûlée.  And she bruleed her own creme.

Kate's baptism day.  She is such a responsible little person.

Kate's best friend Cassidy. They are super silly together.

Kate's new scriptures.

She got a party this year, too.

There were around 18 kids there.

Kian will randomly pull faces at us.  This is what we called his "other eyebrows."

He graduated from kindergarten.  He covers his ears when there is singing going on.

I had another birthday.

And went to a fancy restaurant.  These are scallops.

Lily's fourth grade class did their Utah history program.

And we tried again to potty train Kian.  Again, no luck.

February and March

Sometimes when you get a new tent you put it up in the living room, let the kids sleep in it and do family scripture time in it.

We went to Provo to attend the temple open house.  It was beautiful, and we all had a great time.

We also stopped by the Bean Museum, and were impressed with the update they did.

We ate lunch at the BYU Creamery.  Yum, yum.

This is our friend Bill.  He takes us out to dinner every once in a while.  We love him.

Kate got to do the introduction to her class dance in Spanish this year.  She did a fabulous job.

We spent Spring Break in Moab, exploring, camping and swimming.  We all had a fun time.

November, December and January

Chris' brother made a cool R2D2 that we got to borrow for a few months.  All our visitors loved it.

We got two Thanksgiving dinners this year.  One in Blackfoot, and one in Rexburg.  We are blessed to be able to see most of our family all within one week.

The girls played at their winter piano recital.  It was Kate's first.  They both did great.

Sometimes we buy Kian a new skiing helmet and goggles and let him watch TV in them to get used to it.

Some of my family was able to gather at Christmas time for a family wedding.

Kate makes great snow angels.

We got a Wii for Christmas.  Favorite games are Just Dance, table tennis, and sword fighting.

The Utah Symphony has a special night for family with special needs kids.  The pieces were short and entertaining, and the crowd was loud.  We fit right in.

Kian's kindergarten class did a winter program with songs and poems. This is pretty indicative of his level of compliance in kindergarten.