Thursday, March 1, 2012


 Well, it's been a few months, but here we are.  Lots of pictures, and some movies to come, but lets start with this.

 Kian's been acting like a normal baby-- getting into everything.  He still doesn't walk, but crawls really well.  He had botox in his hamstrings in February, which really helped stabilize his sitting.

 He loves doing Starfall on the Ipad, and has gotten to the point that he can run it himself.

 The boy cousins came for a visit.

 Kate actually let me curl her hair.  For the first time.  I figured I'd better document it, because it may never happen again.

 Ready for church.

One Sunday when Kian and Kate were sick.
Kian loves letters and will go for anything that has them on it.  Cereal boxes, grocery store wall, you name it.


Callgirl said...

Wow, They are growing like crazy!!! What cute kids!

Jessi said...

Kian is such a big boy these days! Look at him using technology like a pro! Your girls are adorable. Hope to see you all soon.

Ailee said...

I love seeing what you and your family have been up to! Miss you all!