Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kid pics

 Kian-- Almost 2.
 Lily-- Just turned 6.
 Kate-- Soon to be 4.
We had some time before church today, so Chris got out his long-neglected camera and got some shots.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kian in action

Easter and Kian's walker

 Chris and the girls having fun in a really big box.  The girls loved it!

 Fun Easter presents from Aunt Stephanie.

 Our Easter egg dying for the year.  We used Kool-aid this time.  Smelled a lot better than the other stuff.

 Kian has a new walker to help him get used to the idea of walking.  He loves it and is surprisingly good at it for only having it for 1 day so far.

 We went to the church to try out the walker.  His sisters cheered him on from the stage.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March pictures and sick kids

 Lily had to do a report for Kindergarten.  She did it on horses and did a great job!

 Kian does great sitting when he's not in the tub.  Even in the tub, he does great, but you can see the cerebral palsy coming out a lot more as he tries to stabilize himself. By spreading his feet, he gets a more support and becomes less tippy.

 Smoothies for lunch.  I just thought Kian looked like such a big boy drinking it all by himself.  Notice his fisted right hand.  More CP.

 Our physical therapist lent us this cube chair.  It's great for Kian to sit in by himself, and it has all sorts of other uses, too. (Desk, table, walker, etc.)


 What was originally called an allergy to amoxacillin has now been diagnosed as hand, foot and mouth disease.  Kate has it.

 And Kian has this lovely rash that has been attributed to a virus.  Yep, all in the same weekend.  He has an ear infection, too.

Lily's not sick!