Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter and Kian's walker

 Chris and the girls having fun in a really big box.  The girls loved it!

 Fun Easter presents from Aunt Stephanie.

 Our Easter egg dying for the year.  We used Kool-aid this time.  Smelled a lot better than the other stuff.

 Kian has a new walker to help him get used to the idea of walking.  He loves it and is surprisingly good at it for only having it for 1 day so far.

 We went to the church to try out the walker.  His sisters cheered him on from the stage.


Jessi said...

Go Kian! He looks like a pro already!

I want to try the Kool-aid next year!

Stephanie said...

How awesome that Kian can motate around with his new walker:) Yay Kian. It always helps to have great cheerleaders also.
Happy Easter Parkinson's

shelly said...

Stephanie is always so thoughtful. We are all excited for Kian. Now he can chase his sisters around.