Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kid pics

 Kian-- Almost 2.
 Lily-- Just turned 6.
 Kate-- Soon to be 4.
We had some time before church today, so Chris got out his long-neglected camera and got some shots.


Jessi said...

Chris takes the best photos! These are so pretty and the one he took of Quinn last year is still one of my all time favorites!

Stephanie said...

Love all the new pictures.
Gorgeous kids :)
Aunt Stephanie

Donald & Crystal Dancliff said...

Seriously, Kate, Lily, & Kian are the most adorable kids ever!!!!! Love them all!!!!

shelly said...

They all look so grownup.

Mindika said...

Jodi, I'm so glad you found me. I'll definitely send you an invite when i go private. It's fun to see your cute family. I'll look forward to reading all about them. Your children are beautiful!
