Monday, September 8, 2008

Jodi's official first blogging entry

So I am currently enjoying what we call "Mommy's quiet time," which is what happens when Lily refuses to take a nap. And amazingly enough, she actually leaves me alone and plays pretty well by herself. Usually during quiet time I read, or do FamilySearch Indexing, or anything else that she can't do with me. Today my plan for naptime was to make the 50 cups of playdough Chris promised for a scouting activity, but I'm afraid that would not make for a very quiet quiet time. Not that I don't have other things to do. Tomorrow we have an enrichment meeting that I'm in charge of, and Thursday we leave for a week-end camping family reunion. I'm the enrichment leader in my ward, as well as a ward organist and family history consultant. Chris is on the high council and the stake young men's pres. I guess they believe in multi-tasking in our stake. So there are Sundays I play the organ and Chris is in another ward, leaving our girls at the mercy of the ward. I figure the bishop should have called someone to be our Sunday nanny if he won't release me as organist. Tonight we are off to the State Fair. Should be a good time.