Thursday, January 27, 2011


I left Kian on his blanket on his back, and when I came back, he was on his tummy. Hooray! And just in time-- He is 5 months adjusted age today. All that practicing is paying off!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

He's a mover

Chris left Kian on his playmat the other day and came back a little while later and found him like this. He doesn't roll, but he pushes off his heels, arches his back and scooches.

In his new jumperoo. He loves it, in short increments. We had to put a pillow under his feet, because he's not quite long enough to reach the floor.

Kate and Lily outside playing with their daddy. We've had a couple of sunny days. We are all ready for spring. And for RSV season to be done. Mostly, we just want to get out of the house!

Kate is all potty-trained now. She was a star. I told her that her diapers were gone, and she accepted that with no problem. She only had one day of accidents, then she was done. After all the trouble Lily had, I am quite relieved that Kate was so easy.

Doing the math

So here are a few figures for you.

This week Kian weighs 12 1/2 lbs, or 500% of his birth weight, which was 2 1/2 lbs.

People ask us if he's a million dollar baby. Well, not exactly. After 15+ weeks in the hospital, 4 brain surgeries, 2 shunts, 1 EVD, and a reservoir, the grand total for 2010 is $720,191.95. Thank goodness for decent health insurance.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

He rolls!

Kian just rolled over from his tummy to his back all by himself! He did it twice, so I think it wasn't an accident. Or maybe it was, but we're happy about it anyway!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Our Christmas

This was Christmas Eve. The kids got to open one present each. Kate is wearing the "dress-up" she got from her cousin, and has worn nearly every day since. She has been known to cry in the morning because she wakes up in her pajamas, and not in this dress.

Our stylin' Lily. I don't even know what's up with that hat. They found it in our closet and wore it around the house for a few minutes.

This is Christmas morning. A super cute picture of the girls. To bad the baby's trying to fall off the stair. Apparently the Parkinsons have a tradition of taking pictures of the kids on the stairs Christmas morning. This'll have to do for 2010.

May I remind you that Kate was thankful for cereal at Thanksgiving? She told my sister that this was her favorite present.

And this was Lily's favorite present. We are waiting for warm weather to really get to use it.

The girls got a dress-up trunk with a bunch of girly stuff in it. Kate is sticking to her old "dress-up." But Lily has gotten some mileage out of the clip-on earrings. Four years old going on 15?

We watched part of "The Sound of Music" on TV the other day and after the part where the littlest girl sings, "The sun has gone to bed and so must I," Kate said, "I want to be like that little girl." I said you are. She adamantly replied that she was not like her. "I'm not in the TV!"

Happy boy

Kian has had a cold for the past 10 days or so, so he's been a bit miserable, but he is hanging in and is still a happy kid. These are some shots from the past few weeks.

Kian has some exercises that he is supposed to do everyday. He uses the ball to put his elbows under him and learn to push up against his arms. As you can see, we try to multi-task.

Happy boy. He got a new activity gym (he was pulling the toys off the old, old one) and he seems to really like it. We're thinking of getting him a jumperoo. Anybody have any opinions about those?