Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17th Photo update

This summer we made a summer activity list and most of these are pictured below:

The girls learned to sew on the sewing machine.

One day we did 3 hikes up big cottonwood canyon and saw some beautiful wilderness.

Lily is doing very well playing the piano, this is a picture of her at one of her recitals.

We played croquet in the backyard. Our grass was too tall to have a good game of it.

Kian loves his music class.

Kian went with Chris on his first Father and Sons outing and had a great time.

We went to Arts Fest and enjoyed seeing and participating in all that was there.

We flew a kite a few times this summer.

This is one of our neighborhood playgrounds we enjoy playing on.

4th of July sparklers

The family went up to Snowbird and participated in a family day with Wasatch Adaptive Sports and took part in many activities throughout the day including our favorite activity, riding the alpine slide.

2014 Longmore family reunion in Blackfoot, Idaho

Taylor Olsen's farewell before leaving on his mission to England. 

The girls got their faces panted at a Stake Carnival, where we had a great time.

What I packed for my high adventure

Lake Betsy

High Adventure backpacking trip to Granddaddy Basin in the Uintah wilderness. We had 6 young men and 4 leaders. We had a great time, mostly around lake Betsy.

These are pictures of the family as we visited with Michelle in her final days of her life. Michelle had Triple Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer that went to her bones and lungs. We love her and will miss her very much.

Outside Ray and Rachel and Terrance's homes in Rigby, Idaho.

Michelle's Viewing in Blackfoot

At the cemetery in Groveland after Michelle's funeral at the Rose church house in Idaho.

We had our summer activity by going to Lagoon. The kids loved it and especially loved riding BomBora and swimming at Lagoon A Beach.