Sunday, June 16, 2013

Playing catch-up

Lily and Kate chose to get a Build-a-Bear for their birthdays this year.  We took them both on Lily's birthday.  I think they had a great time.

Lily's cake was de-lic-ious.  Thank you Pinterest.

Multi-tasking.  Kian tolerated it well.

Kate's birthday.  Yes, those are Andes candies on the cake.  She asked for a mint chocolate cake, and this is what I came up with.

Kian's new AFOs.  His first pair, for walking anyways.  He does pretty well in them and is getting stronger and walking longer all the time.

Grandma and Papa moved back to Rexburg and we miss having them so close.

Lily's language program at school puts on a cultural celebration every year.  This is her first year, and it was a lot of fun to see it.  Each grade does a dance and a song.  

Playing with Uncle Tandy at the Ultimate Frisbee tournament.

This is in our backyard.  Chris has really worked with Kian to get him to climb up the ropes.  Completely supervised with a good amount of assistance.

We bought a fat bat and ball for Kian, and Lily has a surprising knack for it.

This is the sight we all see every time we leave Aunt Deidre's house.  Usually they are all waving, too.

Kate gets the therapy sister of the year award.  She accompanies us to every appointment and doesn't complain too much.  

This is Mike Workman, one of our PTs.  We always meet at a park or playground, and he can really get Kian to move.

This was after Lily lost her 4th tooth.  She has since lost another one.

Kian's third birthday.  You've come a long way, baby.

The gift was a hit.

And who doesn't love tres leches cake?