Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Family Pictures

Here we are together in one picture for the very first time, I think. Yea!

Kate took this picture of me taking a picture of her taking pictures. I think she's got her Dad's creativity. Just look at that composition.

Two out of three happy. Not bad.

Sooooo handsome, don't you think? The bump on the left side of his head is the shunt. Current weight as of today : 10-12. Which is like 20th percentile. Which they say is pretty near impossible for a preemie with just breastfeeding. HA!

Cute girls

We tried so hard to get a good portrait of Kate. And this is about the best we could do. Its hard to convince her to do anything she doesn't want to do. Like wear cute clothes and stand still. She spends a lot of time on the computer, though.

Here is Lily, though. She did a great job posing for daddy in the leaves.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Kian

Kian likes being home. He smiles and makes happy sounds. This makes us happy as well.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween and stuff

Kian was a Jack-o-lantern. For all of about 10 minutes.

Kate was a wingless ladybug, and Lily was a purple dragon.

It rained on our poor little trick-or-treaters, but they had fun.

Kian has eyebrows. Finally.

Cutie face.

This was how I found Kate playing one day. The girl's got style. Or something.

We love our boppy pillow.

One day after a walk. Shoes courtesy of the aunts and cousins.