Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm going to get me a camera

So my plan has been this week to buy a digital camera for me. If any of you know my husband, he is a photographer, and his smallest camera occupies a bag that is bigger than my diaper bag for 2 kids. So if we leave anything home when we go somewhere, it's the camera. And he does take really nice pictures of the kids, but they tend to stay in his computer somewhere where I haven't yet been granted access to. So I figure if I can get me a small camera that could fit in my purse (or even in the diaper bag), I may be able to post some pictures. However, given the fact that we are spending a bundle of money right now to repair the transmission in Chris's car, that may not happen for a few more months. So just take my word for it that our kids are growing fast and are really adorable.

We were able to go to Logan yesterday to help my brother lay sod in his new yard. Chris took his last day off of the year, and we had a great time. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend the day with than my family. Lily loves playing with her cousins, and this time she even got her fingenails painted for the first time in her life. Thank you, Ailee. This morning the first thing she said to her daddy was, "See my pretty fingernails!"