Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Kian has started hippotherpy.  Which has nothing to do with hippos.  It is therapy on horseback.  We go to the National Ability Center near Park City every Saturday.


 So Chris's computer (where he processes all his digital photos) went haywire, so we've spent some time getting back up to speed.  We didn't have to spend any money to do it, thank goodness, but it has taken us some time.  So now that we are back as good as new, here are some new-ish photos.

We got our new playset put together the last few weeks in May, and it's a big hit.

 Kian turned 2!!!  He can answer the questions "What's your name?" and "How old are you?"

 We went to the Book of Mormon exhibit at the church history museum with some cousins.  The kids had a great time.

 Kian spent 1/2 hour or more at this little garden display where you put the vegetables into the right shape.  He loved it!

 We went to the NICU reunion at Murray park.  Kian loooooved checking out the ambulance.  He cried every time we took him out, or if we walked by it and didn't let him get in.

 The girls had fun too.  Kate is licking the cotton candy stick.

 This is our latest and greatest family picture.  Thats about as good as it gets anymore.

 We went to the school to fly a kite that Lily got from her aunt.  It flew so well!  We were all surprised and had a great time.
 We went to the Arts Fest downtown.  They have a great kids area.  So while Kate and Lily got to do this...

 and this...

 Kian got to do this...

and this.
We did let him out to play a bit in the toddler area.  But this was after his first day of horse therapy, and he was tuckered.

And these are Kian's newest therapy tools.  He has soft braces on his legs to help stretch his muscles, and the v-chair helps him not tip over while he is absorbed in his apps.