Sunday, January 31, 2010

I love my girls!

So with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years out of the way, I've decided to post some new pics. It's not that we didn't enjoy our holidays, we really really did. We had a great time with family and took too many pictures to choose from. And everyone knows what holiday pictures look like. So here are some other pictures from the past few months.

Kate's first haircut. It's like she didn't even care that I cut off her mullet.

Lily wanted 5 pigtails this day. Five! So since she usually doesn't let me touch her hair, I took advantage of her attitude. We were going to a RS activity.

All dressed up for church.

Lily wore a bow similar to this one to the library one day. It blew away in the wind. We had taken it from a Christmas present. She was devastated. So I went to Walmart and bought a yard of pink tulle, and voila! Bows! Of course these bows were removed sometime during sacrament meeting and never worn again. But they were darn cute while they lasted.